Acadia ALERT - Campus Closed (Weather)

Today, Tuesday February 18, 2025, Acadia University will remain closed, with the exception of residences and Wheelock Dining Hall, due to the current weather and campus ground conditions. Wheelock Dining Hall may adjust their hours due to the weather and any change in hours will be communicated through Residence Life.

Employees and students are not expected to come to campus and only employees deemed essential are required to report to work. Non-essential employees are not expected to work during the closure. Any events scheduled for today will be postponed or cancelled.

Updates will be posted on and pre-recorded on Acadia’s Information Line: 902-585-4636 (585-INFO) and on 585 phone system voicemail. If you need emergency-related information, please contact the Department of Safety and Security by dialing 88 on all 585-phone systems, or by calling 902-585-1103.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Acadia University

Department of Safety & Security


(Tuesday February 18, 2025 @ 8:23 am)

AUCTC 2017

Acadia University is pleased to be hosting the 2017 Atlantic Universities and Colleges Technology Conference from June 6-8 in Wolfville, NS.
This year our theme is Focus 360: Exploring Technology from All Angles.

We are very excited to announce our first keynote speaker: David Fraser, Canada’s leading Internet, technology and privacy lawyer. David regularly advises a range of clients – from start-ups to Fortune 100 companies – on all aspects of technology and privacy law.

Our planning committee has created a fun video welcoming you to the conference. See it at where all information and updates about the conference will be posted in the coming weeks. On the registration tab, enter your contact information to receive regular updates.

We hope to see you in June.

AUCTC 2017 Planning Committee

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