About Technology Services

The Technology Services team provides a wide range of services to students, faculty and staff in support of Acadia’s mission.

The Service Desk, located in the BAC, is the front facing entry into Technology Services. From there we provide both virtual and in-person support for technology requests. We make every effort to help with all aspects of technology. We support requests ranging from classroom presentation systems, laptops and desktop devices, hardware and software, Microsoft 365, Acadia Central, email and account access, WiFi access, telephones, mobile technology, website consulting, the Learning Management System (ACORN/Moodle), to the administrative systems used in HR and Finance.

Much of what we do on a daily basis is dependent behind the scenes technology. The Technology Services team is busy building systems and maintaining services which, although less visible, are critically important to keeping the entire inter-dependent system working and the campus running. Security is also foremost in our minds. We are continually enhancing the protection the information that is used across campus.

We invite you to click the links below to meet the team and read about us and the work we do. Technology Services is here to help with problems, big and small.


Gary Doucette
Executive Director

For more information click on the service group links: